Beef up your resume with new experiences

Technology is a vast field, and new concepts keep evolving through the creative minds that lead the sector to new heights daily. The experts invented many new avenues to help those with new ideas come on a common platform and present them to the market, which can help the segment in general. Therefore,  companies and individuals create many platforms, which can lead to further development. Hackathons tend to pave the way for new concepts. They are better tools to arouse developers’ problem-cracking and creative juices. Dissimilar to their daily jobs, the risk-taking aspect may not be approved with joy, but failure prices are meager in Hackathon.

The limited-time factor in a Hackathon compels participants to trickle their imaginative notions down to new solutions. Outsiders can import a novel viewpoint to business and offer an outside-in opinion of products and companies. Collaborating with participants during the Hackathon makes an outstanding way to obtain feedback on the lately released API: find out where developers get wedged, what they like, and the recommendations they possess for improvement. Below are enlisted a few draws of the Hackathon:

Advantages of Hackathon participation

Learning a novel technical talent

People are inclined to invest a huge sum of money into conventional education. However, it does sound exciting to learn a novel skill free of cost. This is exactly what you should be looking forward to in a Hackathon. It will be surprising because you likely think Hackathons are aimed at experts. You may feel glad to know that it is surely not so. Hackathon organizers are inclined to host such events related to a specific technology and offer the environment, workshops, tools, and mentors to train and steer you to set free your creativity to crack a problem. The best thing is that they assist you and pat your back.


Forging a sense of achievement

Maybe you can participate in a hackathon if you have insufficient know-how of a specific technology. However, after that, work hard, try to learn a quality factor in the process, and subsequently have a substantial demo that you should display to a room packed with people who underwent a similar operation just like you. Perhaps you can envision the astonishing sense of achievement that you will experience at that specific point, irrespective of how refined the project was or whether it is finished or not. You better trust that the feeling of achievement is precious. It is worthwhile to look at the radiant faces of hackathon contestants while demonstrating their projects.

Increasing your soft skills

A doing well career in a technical position does not exclusively depend on solid technical talent. It needs soft skills, teamwork, and productive communication. The Hackathon environment makes it entirely the ideal place to cultivate those skills. In the shortest period, you are probably supposed to work together efficiently under stress in the presence of a team of strangers. You need to understand their strong points, how to hand out tasks, and how to blend various parts into one cohesive project. There is no need to say that better communication skills are crucial during that process and while putting forth project concepts and demo time.

Strengthen your resume

While reviewing a resume, future employers do not minimally go by the enlisted education and job history. But they look further than that to shape up your personality. Hence, submitting a list of your Hackathon participation will make it easy for you to create your brand as an individual who takes the initiative, is a regular novice, and takes pleasure in challenges. Surely, the whole set of those skills is considered a big asset to a company and may include a distinguishing facet to your candidature.


Networking is the focal point of a Hackathon. Envisage being encircled by like-minded people around there to work together and learn. It is just unlikely not to connect with them. Besides, simply functioning under stress with your team will be highly likely to foster a strong relationship with them that can go further than the Hackathon. Plus, apart from the Hackathon contestants, you will allow yourself to fulfill and get in touch with the mentors belonging to the community and corporate sponsors. All these associations will certainly boost your network.

Creating the way for a start-up

A Hackathon can be a breeding place for the upcoming grand concept that becomes the groundwork of a newbie. Before attending the Hackathon, participants may harbor a notion of blending conventional deadbolts with the strength of the internet. However, by participating in the Hackathon, they can embody their concepts well within 24 hours. The complete Hackathon experience will be just an adrenaline rush. The critical appreciation and feedback from the folks and the judges will assist you to think critically about the next step.

Getting inspired

The optimistic energy in the Hackathon is contagious. By the end of the event, you will be guaranteed to depart with many concepts and novel goals, regardless of whether you completed the demo or not. Only watching how the participants approach problems and their imaginative answers will spark your creativity, broaden your mind’s eye, and motivate you.

Repaying the community

During a Hackathon, you are inclined to understand the worth of the community around a specific technology because having no help from the community, finishing the project within that stipulated timeframe can be extremely challenging, possibly not impossible.

Sandy Ryan
Writer. Music advocate. Devoted bacon trailblazer. Hardcore web fanatic. Travel junkie. Avid creator. Thinker. Skateboarder, coffee addict, record lover, reclaimed wood collector and RGD member. Producing at the junction of minimalism and mathematics to craft delightful brand experiences. I'm a designer and this is my work.